Not Your Grandpa’s Pancakes!

If I had a nickel for every cold or reheated pancake I have eaten over the last three decades…I think you get the picture.

Growing up, my dad loved making big pancake breakfasts. It was not unusual for him to stand over the hot griddle making edible pieces of art that looked like Sponge Bob on water skis or a replica of our 1970 Suburban. It was fun, but it was also a mess.

As a mom, yeah, I don’t really have time for that part. It isn’t that I am opposed to pancakes, even though I tend to be more of a waffle girl, it just seems like a lot of work and the person on the end of the spatula is the last to eat since eating them “hot off the griddle” so the butter melts is important.

This recipe isn’t nearly as fun as my dad’s creations, but much more practical since it is something I make for our family.

There is nothing like waking up to the smell of something freshly baked coming out of the oven to rouse sleepy teens and this is perfect if everyone needs to leave the house in a hurry.

This recipe is awesome to reheat and can be kept for several days in the fridge for breakfast the following day or for you Lord of The Rings peeps..Second Breakfast!
To be totally honest we love having a “Breakfast For Dinner” option on our bi-weekly meal plan. Served with hash browns, bacon, and sliced fruit, you can have a wonderful Brinner…which is breakfast and dinner together. Not a real word, but you get the idea.

Here is what the cooks at Celebrating Sweets has to say about this breakfast recipe.

Here’s what’s amazing about this pancake casserole: you essentially make a big batch of buttermilk pancake batter flavored with vanilla and a touch of lemon zest. Rather than using the batter for individual pancakes (and standing at the stove and flipping, flipping, flipping…), the batter gets poured into a casserole dish, topped with blueberries and brown sugar crumble, and BAKED in the oven! Easy peasy. And the end result is wonderful! Breakfast just got 100 times better.


Quick Tip: Don’t have fresh blueberries? Go ahead and use frozen berries, OR use whatever fruit is in season. I love diced apples or peaches in my breakfast bakes so get a little crazy and try your families favorite combos.

Recipe and photo courtesy of  Allison at Celebrating Sweets 
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