Smells Yummy in the Kitchen with this Banana Cream Cheese Bread

Banana Cream Cheese Bread for Breakfast!

I love making small loaves of quick bread. Especially when I have some ripe bananas that need to be used. I have baked a dozens upon dozens of loaves of banana bread from a recipe I got from my sister in law, Barb. Trust me, anything that Barb makes is amazingly awesome. There have been times when I have made 4 loaves at a time because you have to bake these breads for up to an hour and I hate heating up the house for something that is going to be eaten before it is even fully cooled off.

The other day I had a coupon for Michael’s and decided to go ahead and get the mini loaf pan I have had my eyes on. Every time I walk by the baking isle I just can’t get over how adorable the little loaves and so finally I caved and bought it. I was going to bake my usual banana bread recipe but then I saw this! Banana bread with a baked in cream cheese layer? Wowza! My sister in law if going to be shocked when she slices into a loaf of this! And think of how beautiful it will look on a plate of baked goods at your next coffee time with friends.

This is what Averie of Averie Cooks has to say about her yummy recipe.

“The bread is soft, moist and the cream cheese layer is like having a layer of cheesecake baked into banana bread. No complaints here.”


Quick tip: Bread will keep airtight at room temperature for up to 1 week, or in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Recipe and images courtesy of Averie of Averie Cooks.

all-purpose flourbaking powderbaking sodaBanana Cream Cheese Breadbrick-style cream cheesegranulated sugarLarge Egglight brown sugarliquid-state coconut oilmashed ripe bananassaltsour creamvanilla extract
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