A Six Ingredient Dessert? SHHHH, your Secret it safe with me!

My mom used to make these butterscotch goodies that I thought were absolutely better than anything Mary See’s could come up with. For those who are familiar with Sees candy you know that is a pretty darned high standard.

For those who are familiar with Sees candy you know that is a pretty darned high standard. The black and white tiled stores are iconic in the west coast.

I loved the little treats and always assumed that My mom must have slaved over a hot stove to get all the yummy goodness into each small bite sized treat.

But when she shared her recipe I saw that is was very similar to this one. Just a hand full of ingredients.  And you don’t even need a candy thermometer!

My mom’s butterscotch treat didn’t have any chocolate on them, but I think the chocolate really dresses this up a bit.

This is what Melanie has to say about this scrumptious treat that kids will be begging for!

These babies are my go-to last minute dessert. Scotcheroos only require 6 ingredients, all of which are shelf stable so I can always have them in my pantry. They take 10 minutes to make and if you want to speed up setting the chocolate you can pop them in the fridge.


Quick Tip: Have a glass of cold milk handy..just sayin’. When your kids start taking these in their lunches, don’t be surprised if you get calls from other moms asking for the recipe!


Photo and recipe courtesy of Melanie of Garnich and Glaze 
6 ingredientadventurebutterevaporated milkfunmeanut butterno baking!scpeial K
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